2012 10 06 / molio pievos : episode III . stasiškės, lt
On cold October a gathering called “Molio Pievos” was again held in a homestead located in the mystified triangle of Sudeikiai-Bikūnai-Užpaliai. The location, surrounded by swamps, freezing tree leaves, distant from civilization, and vast clay meadows, is perhaps one of the most unique events in Lithuania.
Live performances by Heil Kapela, Oorchach, Delchia, improvisational Molio Pievos band and many DJs, including DJ Actrac, who played noise from vinyls.
An antifestival in every sense and the best place to make sure you’re still alive!

HEIL KAPELA [Laurynas/GG, McKaras and Vytenis/Skeldos]

Molio Pievos impro band [Laurynas:GG, Povilas:Oorchach, Delchia and Vytenis:Skeldos]

Photos: Vilius Šiaulys